Jasmin Developers - Web API Reference

Taxes | Obligation

Service to manage entities of type 'Obligation'.


URL api/{tenantKey}/{orgKey}/taxes/obligations
Methods Supported POST

All Operations

This service includes the following operations:

All Resources

This service uses the following resources:

POST Operations

POST Register Fiscal Obligation

Custom operation 'RegisterFiscalObligation'.

The following elements are required:

obligationResource (ObligationPublicResource) ObligationResource.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Resource URL:

POST /taxes/obligations/registerFiscalObligation



The following elements are required:

companyTaxId (string) The company's tax identifier. Unique code assigned by a country's tax authority to establish an entity's fiscal identification and responsibilities.
dueDate (DateTime) The obligation's due date. Date in which the payment/receivable is due. In some countries it is also known as law date.
period (string) The obligation's period. The period to which the fiscal obligation refers.
taxCode (string) The tax's code. Code that identifies the type of tax applied.
taxDescription (string) The tax's description.
year (int) The obligation's year. The year to which the tax obligation relates.
payableAmount (decimal) Payable Amount.
receivableAmount (decimal) Receivable Amount.