Jasmin Developers - Web API Reference

Accounts Payable | Create Payment

Service to allow picking of opened item to process for payment purpose.


URL api/{tenantKey}/{orgKey}/accountsPayable/processOpenItems
Methods Supported POST, GET

All Operations

This service includes the following operations:

All Resources

This service uses the following resources:

GET Operations

GET Create Payment

Returns the list of entity records that can be processed by the 'Payments' service.

The following elements are required:

pageIndex (int) The index of the page of the list that should be returned.
pageSize (int) The number of page elements that should be returned (max. is 1000).
company (string) The company code is the central organizational unit within the system.
documentType (string) Defines the account posting's purpose. Distinguishes the business transactions to be posted. Part of the document natural key. The default account posting type is defined in the sales setup configuration setting.
documentDate (DateTime) The date when the document is issued.
postingDate (DateTime) The date when the document is created.
financialAccount (string) A financial account that represents either a cash drawer or a bank account and must be used to define where to debit the value. A bank account is an account that exists in a financial institution. The financial institution holds someone's money, resulting in a positive balance. It can also be a credit or loans account in which the bank lends money, resulting in a negative balance or debit. Unlike a brokerage account, which allows the investor to buy and sell stocks, a bank account is used for savings. The types of bank accounts include savings accounts and current accounts.
cashFlowItem (string) Incoming and outgoing cash flow caused by the main business activities. The component of the cash flow operations shows how much money is generated by a company's products or services. Generally, the changes made to the cash, banks, accounts receivables and accounts payable affects operational cash. The classification of each of these operations' types is made by using cash flows.
party (string) The customer designated in the account posting as the party to whom should be sent for payment. It may or may not be the party to whom the goods or services are delivered.
currency (string) Money unit used by the system, such as Euros (EUR) or United States Dollars (USD). This value is important for currency exchanges or to set the number of decimal places used to represent values. The default is defined on the customer party.
exchangeRate (decimal) The price of one country's currency expressed in another country's currency. In other words, the rate at which one currency can be exchanged for another. The default is infered using the defined exchange rates on the system for the document date and currency.
paymentMethod (string) Financial transfer method used by the entity responsible for paying a transaction. For example, cash, transfer or check payments. The default is defined on the customer party.
isCheckPaymentMethod (bool) Determines if the used payment method is of type check. Applicable only when the payment is cash payment and the payment method is of type check. Internally determined.

The following elements are optional:

note (string) The document note. This is a query string parameter.
outgoingCheckLot (string) The outgoint lot of the check used for this payment document. Applicable only when the payment is cash payment and the payment method is of type check. This is a query string parameter.
checkNumber (int?) The number of the check used for this payment. Applicable only when the payment is cash payment and the payment method is of type check. This is a query string parameter.
dueDateFromFilter (DateTime?) The initial date in which you can pay. This is a query string parameter.
dueDateUntilFilter (DateTime?) Date in which the payment is due. In some countries it is also known as law date. This is a query string parameter.
paymentMethodFilter (string) Financial transfer method used by the entity responsible for paying a transaction. For example, cash, transfer or check payments. This is a query string parameter.
sourceDocFilter (string) The source document key to be used as filter. This is a query string parameter.
referenceFilter (string) The reference document to be used as filter. This is a query string parameter.
total (decimal?) Document total. Internally calculated. This is a query string parameter.
serie (string) Serie This is a query string parameter.


When successful, the response body contains the list of entity records available for processing. See OpenAccountPostingLine.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

GET /accountsPayable/processOpenItems/{pageIndex}/{pageSize}?note={note}&outgoingCheckLot={outgoingCheckLot}&checkNumber={checkNumber}&dueDateFromFilter={dueDateFromFilter}&dueDateUntilFilter={dueDateUntilFilter}&paymentMethodFilter={paymentMethodFilter}&sourceDocFilter={sourceDocFilter}&referenceFilter={referenceFilter}&total={total}&serie={serie}

POST Operations

POST Generate Payment

Operation that creates a new payment using the specifed information while processing the specified entity records.

The following elements are required:

apiOpenAccountPosting (ApiOpenAccountPosting) ApiOpenAccountPosting.


When successful, the response body contains a unique identifier.

Resource URL:

POST /accountsPayable/processOpenItems/generatePayment

POST Create Payment

Instructs the 'Payments' service to process the specified entity records.

The following elements are required:

list (OpenAccountPostingLine) List of the entity records that should be processed.
See OpenAccountPostingLine.
companyKey (string) The company key.


When successful, the response body is empty. The URL of the processed items is returned in the response location header.

Response status codes:

201 Created. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

POST /accountsPayable/processOpenItems/{companyKey}



The following elements are required:

company (string) The company code is the central organizational unit within the system.
documentType (string) Defines the account posting's purpose. Distinguishes the business transactions to be posted. Part of the document natural key. The default account posting type is defined in the sales setup configuration setting.
documentDate (DateTime) The date when the document is issued.
postingDate (DateTime) The date when the document is created.
financialAccount (string) A financial account that represents either a cash drawer or a bank account and must be used to define where to debit the value. A bank account is an account that exists in a financial institution. The financial institution holds someone's money, resulting in a positive balance. It can also be a credit or loans account in which the bank lends money, resulting in a negative balance or debit. Unlike a brokerage account, which allows the investor to buy and sell stocks, a bank account is used for savings. The types of bank accounts include savings accounts and current accounts.
cashFlowItem (string) Incoming and outgoing cash flow caused by the main business activities. The component of the cash flow operations shows how much money is generated by a company's products or services. Generally, the changes made to the cash, banks, accounts receivables and accounts payable affects operational cash. The classification of each of these operations' types is made by using cash flows.
party (string) The customer designated in the account posting as the party to whom should be sent for payment. It may or may not be the party to whom the goods or services are delivered.
currency (string) Money unit used by the system, such as Euros (EUR) or United States Dollars (USD). This value is important for currency exchanges or to set the number of decimal places used to represent values. The default is defined on the customer party.
exchangeRate (decimal) The price of one country's currency expressed in another country's currency. In other words, the rate at which one currency can be exchanged for another. The default is infered using the defined exchange rates on the system for the document date and currency.
paymentMethod (string) Financial transfer method used by the entity responsible for paying a transaction. For example, cash, transfer or check payments. The default is defined on the customer party.

The following elements are optional:

note (string) The document note.
outgoingCheckLot (string) The outgoint lot of the check used for this payment document. Applicable only when the payment is cash payment and the payment method is of type check.
checkNumber (int) The number of the check used for this payment. Applicable only when the payment is cash payment and the payment method is of type check.
serie (string) Serie.


The following elements are required:

selectedCount (int) Number of lines selected. Internally calculated.
company (string) The company code is the central organizational unit within the system.
documentType (string) Defines the account posting's purpose. Distinguishes the business transactions to be posted. Part of the document natural key. The default account posting type is defined in the sales setup configuration setting.
documentDate (DateTime) The date when the document is issued.
postingDate (DateTime) The date when the document is created.
financialAccount (string) A financial account that represents either a cash drawer or a bank account and must be used to define where to debit the value. A bank account is an account that exists in a financial institution. The financial institution holds someone's money, resulting in a positive balance. It can also be a credit or loans account in which the bank lends money, resulting in a negative balance or debit. Unlike a brokerage account, which allows the investor to buy and sell stocks, a bank account is used for savings. The types of bank accounts include savings accounts and current accounts.
cashFlowItem (string) Incoming and outgoing cash flow caused by the main business activities. The component of the cash flow operations shows how much money is generated by a company's products or services. Generally, the changes made to the cash, banks, accounts receivables and accounts payable affects operational cash. The classification of each of these operations' types is made by using cash flows.
party (string) The customer designated in the account posting as the party to whom should be sent for payment. It may or may not be the party to whom the goods or services are delivered.
currency (string) Money unit used by the system, such as Euros (EUR) or United States Dollars (USD). This value is important for currency exchanges or to set the number of decimal places used to represent values. The default is defined on the customer party.
exchangeRate (decimal) The price of one country's currency expressed in another country's currency. In other words, the rate at which one currency can be exchanged for another. The default is infered using the defined exchange rates on the system for the document date and currency.
paymentMethod (string) Financial transfer method used by the entity responsible for paying a transaction. For example, cash, transfer or check payments. The default is defined on the customer party.
isCheckPaymentMethod (bool) Determines if the used payment method is of type check. Applicable only when the payment is cash payment and the payment method is of type check. Internally determined.

The following elements are optional:

note (string) The document note.
outgoingCheckLot (string) The outgoint lot of the check used for this payment document. Applicable only when the payment is cash payment and the payment method is of type check.
checkNumber (int) The number of the check used for this payment. Applicable only when the payment is cash payment and the payment method is of type check.
dueDateFromFilter (DateTime) The initial date in which you can pay.
dueDateUntilFilter (DateTime) Date in which the payment is due. In some countries it is also known as law date.
paymentMethodFilter (string) Financial transfer method used by the entity responsible for paying a transaction. For example, cash, transfer or check payments.
sourceDocFilter (string) The source document key to be used as filter.
referenceFilter (string) The reference document to be used as filter.
total (decimal) Document total. Internally calculated.
serie (string) Serie.


The following elements are required:

selected (bool) Indicates if the line has been selected.

The following elements are optional:

sourceDoc (string) The source document key.
dueDate (DateTime) Date in which the payment is due. In some countries it is also known as law date.
sourceDocPaymentMethod (string) Financial transfer method used by the entity responsible for paying a transaction. For example, cash, transfer or check payments. The default is defined on the customer party.
amount (decimal) The total line amount.
open (decimal) The remain amount to be settled.
settled (decimal) The settled amount.
discount (decimal) The line item discount. The default is 0.
withholded (decimal) The line withholded amount.
accountPostingId (Guid) The account posting id for the line.
sourceDocExchangeRate (decimal) The price of one country's currency expressed in another country's currency. In other words, the rate at which one currency can be exchanged for another. The default is inferred using the defined exchange rates on the system for the document date and currency.
natureId (Guid) The document line nature id. It can be Credit or Debit.
sourceDocId (Guid) The source document key.
reference (string) The document note.